Knox at 6 mos is sitting up, laughing, LOVES to smile and talk, eating mommy made baby food, rolling over, grabbing toys and banging them together...loudly, and a whole bunch of things that mom and dad just think are adorable. Gan is still his favorite babysitter. He loves to skype with SteveO and Rizzle and even looks at the comp now and sees them! He is the sweetest not so little baby and Slade and I continue to be amazed by him and how blessed we are to have him. I was thinking about it today and now I kind of understand how moms must feel when their sons get married. I found myself thinking how sad I would be when he loved some other girl more than me. I know it's a long way off, or it better be, but I can't ever imagine him not being MY baby.
Knox and Dad on his 6 month birthday!

half a year old today!

common occurrence.....finger in the mouth...keep thinking I will find a tooth
Mommy and Knox
SOO SICK of you people kissin on me!


Molly and Knox going for a walk

too cool for school

so in awe of my daddy

hangin with Emma

love looking at myself

chattin with mom

such a happy boy!