
Thursday, February 11, 2010


It was brought to my attention by a friend that I said the little boy at the Dr. office was "retarded" on a previous post. First off,  I meant ABSOLUTELY no ill will, nor was I making fun. The reason I put this was because that is what his mother said to a lady sitting next to them. She said he wasn't down sydrome but that he was mentally retarded. I don't know if she knew what she was talking about but I didn't know if there was a difference? and in all honesty I totally thought this was a medical term used to diagnose a mental condition...if someone would have paid attention to the context instead of trying to just be a jerk, they would have noticed this. This was an honest mistake and honestly if you know me, you should KNOW that. I hope this clears this up...she mentioned someone had said something and I wish people would have just told me instead of talking bad about me...

Honestly, this makes me FURIOUS. Especially now that I am a mother ...I would never be so callus about someones special needs child. And quite frankly it hurts my feelings that someone would think so.

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