I love going to the pool...it's the greatest. They have this little pool that's made for little tiny people just like me and it has a huge mushroom in the middle that has water cascading from the top...it takes a dare devil to want to go underneath with their Mom and let me tell you people, I am ALMOST there! Plus there is a cute lifeguard that Mom likes, so it's win-win!
Before you ask, no I am not crawling yet. And no, I don't feel the need to just yet. I am perfectly happy sitting, jumping and rolling. Plus, honestly have you seen the size of this body??...not an easy task my friends! After Mom watched Brooke chase Molly all around, she is not the least bit ready for me to be mobile...says she likes me just fine the way I am!
This past weekend I went to the lake with Mom, Dad, Bo, Brooke, Baily and Molly. We went to Possum Kingdom to Nonnie's cabin where Mom has been going since she was my age! However, I have no idea why it's called that since I saw absolutely NO possums! Anywho, we had SO much fun and I love the lake and watching all the boats! I also love getting to hang with Molly and Baily. I went on my first cruiser ride and loved the cruiser but HATED the lifejacket. Mom said that's just par for the course...everyone has hated the lifejacket at some point and it's suffering they have all had to bear. Ugh! It was a fab weekend and the only downfall was when Brooke was stung by a wasp. But don't worry, Bo avenged her! He went crazy with the Raid! Killed the wasp, his kids, his cousins, and his mom's best friend! Then when he ran out of Raid he went at em with WD40 and a lighter...don't ask. Moral of the story...don't pick on this guys wife!! All in all it was a great weekend with fabulous food and fellowship!
The only downer is that I think I have come down with a cold. I am running about 101 and my nose is just running. Constantly. Mom keeps coming at me with this blue bulb thing and I swear if that woman comes at my face again with that bulb I am gonna bite off a finger!
rockin my frog towel at the pool

so excited

Mom, You like my Jean Diaper?....Jorts are so last year

Here get the backside...

What? you don't think they are super cool?

So not talking to you anymore....
ummm guys.....I thought this pool was for babies?

Dad, check out this cool PINK bucket!
You know I look macho with my pink bucket?
I love this!

Mom got in my pool with me!!
Serious...Model pose.....going for smoldering ....totally think I got it!
Dad! Stop taking pictures of me and PLAY with me!! Sheesh!
Hey Molls, glad you got your bottle, but you have a little riiight there.
Downright Angelic I tell ya!
this chick is mobile!!!

Molly pulling a Michael Jordan going for the ball with her tongue out!
Knox, you BETTER not be poopin in this pool!!
Nah, I don't see anything.....
(turns out he is lovingly gazing at her mother!...loves him some Brooke)
Girl....what you talking about?
We got this under control!
Love Swinging!
Happy Boy
Knox's face when Brooke screamed after getting stung!
Brooke BETTER be okay!
Love this!
Dad pushin me....
Dad! Did you see that!?!
I am going for adventurous/dangerous here....do you see it? I mean NO HANDS!

My first shower EVER with Dad...(don't worry Dad had on a swimsuit)

Watching Tennis with Dad...clapping when Dad claps
(yes, that is a breastfeeding pillow I am laying on..lot's of new mommies in this bunch... but turns out it's perfect as a pillow for me!)

Oh, hey Mom.

Take my picture!!

Working the camera
Did you see that?? Amazing shot!
Amazing I tell ya!
Seriously Dad, I am totally gonna be a professional athlete some day!