
Monday, March 7, 2011


A Truck ran a red light and hit a Tahoe going about 70+ miles an hr. We hear stories like this all the time...tonight it hit a little too close to home. The Tahoe they hit was Slade. The truck ran a red light and t-boned him on his driver side. It hit him so hard it caused his car to spin and hit the car beside him and continue to spin around 360 degrees....according to the Fireman, 6 inches to 1 foot further in the intersection then he is killed on impact. Luckily he hit just in front of his door enough that the car spun, thus absorbing some of the impact. Smaller car...probably wouldn't have made it. We got rid of his Cadillac CTS 2 months ago. He was pulled out

Initially they thought the driver of the truck was drunk but it looks like he was texting...he never braked and Slade took the full impact of a truck going 70 miles an hr. After 4 hrs in the ER we are home and praising the Lord that he only suffered a few broken ribs, bumps and bruises. It truly is a miracle he's alive..and we are humbled by Gods love for us and his protection over Slade.

While in the ER, he got a CAT scan and X-Rays and they showed nothing but a few broken ribs...pretty amazing considering. There was also a fun moment where 5 policemen and the entire ER staff rushed to the room next to ours and I was told to STAY IN MY ROOM. Seriously? I told poor Slader if it was a bomb then peace out...he was on his own cause I was outta there! Not totally sure what the deal was.

His car is the tahoe on the right...with no front anymore.......I think that pretty much sums up how blessed we are feeling. Yes we have only had this car two weeks but who was a GREAT car for those two weeks.


  1. I am so sorry that this happened! We are so glad that Slade is ok. We will be praying for a fast recovery!

  2. OH MY GOSH, Lindsey! I am praising w/ya'll that your sweet husband is ok! looking at those pics is so scary and I can imagine how shaken up ya'll have been! i hope Slade is able to recover well - i know you'll be taking great care of him!
