
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Time Out....I think?

So, now that Knox has been exerting a little more independence, I have got to find a way to "reel it in." Problem is, I don't know how to discipline this kid! Here is what I mean...I tried slapping the hand or swatting the thigh...he gets his little feelings crushed for about .3 seconds then pouts for about a minute then it's over. To his credit, he doesn't really get in trouble. He's a pretty good kid but can't seem to get away from the electronics! Now I have moved to "time out." I thought this was working....until a few minutes ago.

Knox keeps touching my laptop, which he KNOWS he is not supposed to do. He touched it and I swatted his hand then stuck him in timeout. I have designated a little corner of our living room to be the timeout spot. He has to face the wall and sit there....problem is...he doesn't mind! Just talks and sings to himself. I get him out and we hug it out and I tell him again what he did wrong just in case he might understand. Well, turns out, he does! A few minutes later he walks over to my computer, touches it, looks at me and BEFORE I can say anything points to the timeout spot, drops his head and heads over there. This time he starts out by putting his nose on the wall (no idea where that came from) he then turns to look at me and it's like, "Oh yeah, you always sit me down" so he sits down indian style and faces the wall. Mind you, I have not said a WORD since he touched the laptop. Basically he put himself in timeout. WHAT am I going to do with this kid?!?!?

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